Books & Mental Health

Have you ever felt like people around you do not understand you or your struggles? I know I have. I am a major bookworm and I have found that there are many books with characters who struggle with different mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, loneliness, etc. Reading about these characters, what they have gone through, and how they overcame their trials has helped me feel understood. It is always so rewarding, yet difficult, to read about people- real and fictional- who have the same feelings, emotions, and experiences you do. 

If you are looking for a book to read that includes topics of mental health, you are at the right place. I have compiled a list of books that talk about different mental health topics in some variety just for you. Some of these I have read and enjoyed, others I have not yet read but have heard great things about. 

  1. Turtles All The Way Down- John Green

Everybody has heard of John Green, even if they have not read a single book by him. Turtles All The Way Down was the first book I read by him and my favorite book of his. It deals with topics of Anxiety and OCD which Aza, the 16-year-old protagonist, struggles with. This book does a fantastic job of portraying both the external and internal struggles of dealing with mental illness while keeping it very realistic and relatable. 

  1. The Midnight Library- Matt Haig

Matt Haig wrote an incredibly unique story about the choices people make and the regrets that they may live with. Nora tries to fight through her depression and loneliness by experiencing different outcomes of choices she makes. Her depression and loneliness have skewed her perception of life, but can she find hope in the midst of it? Absolutely. And so can you. 

  1. Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine- Gail Honeyman

While this book can be a little overwhelming with how much mental illness it covers, It is a realistic and mundane story of a day-to-day experience that someone with a variety of mental health issues may encounter. This book covers topics of depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, and more. 

  1. It’s Kind Of A Funny Story- Ned Vizzini 

While I have yet to read this book, I have heard raving reviews. This book highlights the pressure of growing up, keeping up grades, getting into school, and dealing with the overwhelming mentality that comes with that. The characters work their way through their struggles of suicidal behaviors, anxiety, and much more. 

  1. Every Last Word- Tamara Stone

Throughout this book, the reader follows the main character, Sam’s journey of managing her OCD. Not only do we see the main character’s struggles, but we are also given an insight into the side character’s struggles as well. This is a heartbreaking yet beautiful story of what it is like to be haunted by mental illness. 

I highly recommend looking up trigger warnings if that is something you feel you may need to do to protect your mind and yourself. I hope this list of books encourages you that you are not alone and that you can feel understood in what you go through.  

If you would like to speak to a professional counselor about your mental health, please feel free to contact Olive Branch Counseling Associates, Inc. at 708-633-8000. We are located at 6819 167th Street in Tinley Park, Illinois 60477. We would be happy to be of service. 

Written by: Emme D. 

Undergrad intern 2024

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