Living with a Parent in Jail: How do I Cope?

As a teenager, having a parent in jail can be a challenging and emotional experience. Coping with this situation requires strength, resilience, and support. During such moments, it can be difficult to find the motivation to navigate life without a person you hold dearly to your life. For this reason, i wanted to share some... Continue Reading →

Men Have Feelings Too

In the realm of marriage, vulnerability is often associated with women, but it's essential to recognize that men, too, have their own struggles and vulnerabilities within the context of a marriage. While societal norms may discourage men from openly expressing their emotions or vulnerabilities, it is crucial for a healthy and thriving relationship for men... Continue Reading →

Survive 2 Thrive!

When life's stresses and hardships become too much for us to handle, we go into survival mode and struggle to get by. It could seem like waking up with a sense of dread for the day ahead. You may hear yourself saying things like, "I just want to go to sleep, or I can't wait... Continue Reading →

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder is a disorder that is in the same family as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, for those that suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, there is a preoccupation with perceived physical flaws. The key word here is, “perceived”. In many cases, these perceived flaws are barely recognized or observed by others. Unfortunately, these perceived... Continue Reading →

Self-Compassion: How To Be Kind To Yourself

    Self-compassion is a fairly new phenomenon that I just recently learned about in one of my classes. After hearing about this concept that psychologist Dr. Kristin Neff coined, I decided to do some research to see what it is, how it works and benefits the person, and how it differs from self-esteem. Self-compassion, as Dr.... Continue Reading →

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